Radiator valves can leak, when this happens, it can affect the overall performance of the central heating system.

This is a situation which calls for Radiator Valve Replacement

If you are not sure about the seriousness of the situation and whether you need to replace the radiator valves, please get in touch

Radiator Valves

There are two types of radiator valves. The one you need depends on the position of the radiator valve inlets or the location of the central heating system’s pipes (supply flow and return).

  1. Straight Radiator Valves:

These valves simply attach to the radiator and pipes in a straight line. Often found in through-floor pipework or bottom inlets.

  1. Angled Radiator Valves:

These valves connect the central heating pipework to the radiator at a 90-degree angle. If you have through-wall pipework and bottom inlets, select angled radiator valves. For side Inlets, angled valves are always used.

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